September 11, 2024
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Bob Morley Opens Up About Body Dysmorphia (PC: Instagram/ wildpip_morley)
Bob Morley Opens Up About Body Dysmorphia (PC: Instagram/ wildpip_morley)

Actor Bob Morley, widely recognized for his role in the series The 100, recently shared his personal struggle with body dysmorphia. In a heartfelt interview on Tommy DiDario’s podcast, I’ve Never Said This Before, Morley discussed how this condition has affected his mental health and daily life, while also emphasizing the importance of self-compassion.

A Lifelong Challenge

In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, the 39-year-old actor opened up about his lifelong battle. “I’ve struggled with a form of body dysmorphia my entire life,” Morley revealed. He explained that staying fit is crucial for his mental well-being, but it can also be overwhelming at times.

Morley described the constant fluctuations in his self-image. “I exercise a lot; it’s a huge part of my mental health routine. But sometimes, it’s too much,” he said. “There are mornings when I work out and feel great, but by lunchtime, I can feel like a slob. It’s brutal.”

Understanding Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphic disorder involves excessive worry about perceived flaws in one’s appearance, often leading to severe anxiety and distress. According to the Mayo Clinic, this disorder can complicate social interactions and daily activities.

As a teenager, Morley also dealt with an eating disorder. Despite his efforts to manage his body dysmorphia, he admits it remains a daily struggle. “I don’t have all the answers,” he confessed. “It’s something I need to work on. Finding peace within yourself is key.”

Support and Understanding

Eliza Taylor, Morley’s wife and co-star on The 100, has witnessed his battles firsthand. “He’ll look in the mirror and see things that aren’t there,” she explained. Taylor, who has faced postpartum depression, understands the importance of support and self-compassion.

Morley initially thought that only people in showbiz faced such struggles. However, he now believes many people deal with body dysmorphia daily. “It’s relentless,” he said. “You need to be gentle with yourself.”

An Inspirational Message

Bob Morley’s candid discussion sheds light on the complexities of body dysmorphia. His story is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking help and being kind to oneself.

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