September 29, 2024
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Nicolas Cage (Youtube)
Nicolas Cage (Youtube)

Nicolas Cage, known for his iconic roles in movies like Ghost Rider and National Treasure, has expressed his deep concerns about artificial intelligence (AI). In a recent interview, he revealed his fear that AI might one day steal his body and use it without his consent.

Nicolas Cage’s Concerns About AI

Cage, who will soon be seen in the film Longlegs, opened up about his apprehensions regarding the rapid advancement of AI technology. He shared a chilling experience from a film production where a digital scan of his body was created. Although it matched his eye color, it altered other physical features, making him uneasy about the potential misuse of his image.

“I don’t know. They’re just going to steal my body and do whatever they want with it via digital AI… God, I hope not AI. I’m terrified of that,” Cage told The Hollywood Reporter. He has been vocal about his fears, emphasizing how AI could impact artists and questioning whether this technology will replace the human touch in creative work.

The Impact on Artists

Cage isn’t alone in his concerns. He highlighted the plight of artists who suffer due to AI advancements. “Where’s the heartbeat in this new technology?” he pondered, worrying about the future of genuine human creativity in the face of AI’s rise.

He also made it clear that after his death, he doesn’t want his replicated body or face used in any way. This strong stance shows his deep unease with the idea of AI taking over human roles, even posthumously.

Other Voices Against AI

Nicolas Cage joins other Hollywood stars like Emily Blunt in expressing these fears. Blunt, who starred in Oppenheimer, has also spoken out about the nervousness surrounding AI. She praised human ingenuity but warned against blindly embracing all technological advancements.

These concerns have been at the heart of recent strikes by writers and actors, which halted many Hollywood projects for an extended period. The protests were driven by fears that AI could significantly disrupt the industry and devalue human creativity.

Upcoming Release

As Cage continues to voice his concerns, fans can look forward to his new film, Longlegs, set to be released on July 12, 2024. This film will be another opportunity to see the actor in action, even as he navigates his fears about the future of AI in the entertainment industry.

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