September 25, 2024
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The Joyous News

One fine day, King Shantanu received the most delightful news—his beloved queen had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Overcome with joy, Shantanu didn’t even bother to put on his coat. He hurriedly rushed to the birthing chamber, his heart pounding with excitement to see his newborn son.

A Mother’s Strange Act

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As Shantanu entered the room, he saw something unexpected. The queen, instead of smiling and cradling the baby, picked him up, wrapped him in a soft shawl, and quietly walked out of the room. Shantanu was puzzled. He wanted to ask where she was going with their precious child, but he stopped himself.

The Promise Remembered

Shantanu had made a solemn promise to his queen a long time ago—a promise never to question her actions or demand any explanations. Remembering this, he held his tongue and decided to follow her in silence, hoping to understand her strange behavior.

The Riverbank Encounter

The queen, still holding the baby close, left the palace and walked towards the riverbank where she and Shantanu had first met and fallen in love. The king followed her quietly, his mind swirling with confusion. What was she planning to do?

The Unthinkable Happens

As they reached the river, Shantanu watched in horror as the queen gently placed their newborn son in the water. Within moments, the baby sank into the deep, dark river, disappearing from sight. Shantanu’s heart shattered. He couldn’t believe his eyes. How could a mother do such a thing to her own child?

The Silent Sorrow

Shantanu was filled with rage and sorrow. He wanted to scream, to demand why she had done this terrible act. But once again, he remembered his promise. He stood there, heartbroken, watching as the river carried away his son.

Time Passes, But the Pain Remains

As time passed, the pain of losing his first son began to fade, but the memory was still fresh in Shantanu’s heart. After about a year, the queen gave birth to another child. Shantanu’s joy quickly turned to dread as he witnessed the queen repeating the same horrifying act—drowning their second child in the river.

The Tragic Cycle

This heart-wrenching cycle continued. The queen gave birth to seven sons in total, and each time, she took the newborn baby to the river and drowned him. Shantanu, bound by his promise, could only watch in silent agony as each of his children was lost to the depths of the river.

The Breaking Point

When the eighth son was born, Shantanu could no longer bear the pain. As the queen prepared to drown their last child, he finally shouted, “Stop! Stop this right now! I won’t tolerate it anymore!” His voice was filled with anger, pain, and desperation.

The Queen’s Revelation

The queen paused and looked at Shantanu with calm, knowing eyes. “But you promised,” she reminded him softly.

Shantanu, now consumed by his emotions, replied, “I don’t care about that promise anymore. How could you be so cruel? How could you kill our children? I have kept silent all these years, but I won’t let you kill my child anymore.”

The Truth Unveiled

The queen smiled sadly and said, “You have broken your promise, Shantanu. And because of that, I must leave you. But before I go, I will tell you the reasons for my actions.”

Conclusion: The Power of Love and Promises

This story teaches us about the heavy burden of promises and the lengths to which love can push us. King Shantanu’s heart was torn between his love for his queen and his desire to protect his children. In the end, his love for his child outweighed his promise, revealing the true nature of the queen’s actions.

The tale reminds us that sometimes, difficult choices are made out of love and that understanding often comes only when we dare to break our silence and seek the truth.

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